Machine Troubleshooting
Go here to find any suggested solutions for common problems with your Handi Quilter Machine.
- Adjusting Thread Break Sensor
- Does my machine need to be timed?
- Fabric Puckering
- How do I get technical support for my HQ machine?
- How the Thread Break Sensor Works (and why it alarms when the thread isn't broken)
- Long Stitches (Stitch Regulation Failure)
- Loose Stitching on top of quilt
- Machine will not run
- Needle Won't Pick Up Thread
- Skipping Stitches
- Skipping Stitches (bobbin thread not pulling up)
- Stitch Quality symptoms
- Stitch Regulation Troubleshooting
- Thread Backlash
- Thread shredding or breaking
- Top thread looping on back of quilt
- What is shredding thread?
- What is skipping stitches?
- Why is my machine skipping stitches? (One reason for skipped stitches)